Here's to livin' every minute of it

Here's to livin' every minute of it
Here's to livin' every minute and enjoying every minute of it

Friday, June 24, 2011

Who Am I?

This morning I could not sleep, I woke at 3.30am, wide awake.  I have had a cold for the past few days and I never sleep well when sick.. so up I got.  I have found I just get more frustrated if I sit in bed willing myself to stop coughing and spluttering....

In need of some 'uplifting' thoughts.. I turned to the you tube morman channel.  I love how they take quotes from recent general conference talks and by sight and sound, represent a powerful message.  AND then I 'tripped' over this video!

I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for over 20 years now.  I still remember hearing the story of a young man, Joseph, who knelt in a grove of trees at 14.. and prayed.. and received a vision of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ... of angels visiting and talking of a record written on gold plates..

I remember thinking "what is this fantasy story".. but as I thought it.. feeling something powerful and VERY REAL stir in my heart... of picking up the record now translated.. The Book of Mormon.. and reading it...

To this day... I just have to read a couple of passages.. and something very deep comes alive in my heart and mind...

It is a true record, I know that as surely as I breathe...

Joseph Smith was called to be a Prophet.. I know that too as surely as I breathe...

and where does all this leave me!

There have been many times in the past.. when I have had experiences that have shown me that there is much I do not understand in this world...

We like to believe that in this day and age.. we have the answers.. we have control over what happens around and to us...

Nature likes to remind us through earthquakes, famine, flood, tsunami, and various other natural phenomenon that we are very much NOT in control...

I do know some things however, I do know the full gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth.. and that I am aware of it.

and most of all.. I do know I am a child of God.. who slips and falls and who without the amazing gift of the atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ.. and the authority restored to the earth to act in God's name... I can get back up.. and continue travelling home...

Words cannot describe these feelings... they are 'other worldly'.. but not mine alone... millions know of this.. millions more will know of this...

In this moment... at 5.41am on a saturday morning...

I watched the film above.. and felt deep and powerful gratitude.. to know these things.. to have a testimony of these things..

and to connect once more with He who does control all....
